I have finally learnt to accept who I am. To love Liz as she is – christened Elizabeth. As a young girl when I was in trouble with my mom – she would holler Elizabeth. So as I grew with me as myself, doing this that is my life I always introduced myself as Liz. Throughout my teens into early adulthood I was often referred to as Dizzy Lizzy. To be frank, I hated that. In my latter years, I have almost regretted not introducing myself back then as Elizabeth. Figuring it too late now, I have settled on Liz.
As I continued with my life and became a wife following onto the most rewarding title: Mom. I learnt it wasn’t really a Biggy what I was called, as long as whatever and whenever I was beckoned it was with a full heart and lots of love.
With my boys raised and now living and building their own lives and having survived the Empty nest Syndrome. I am now a Nan, and life at home with my hubby, furry family and myself isn’t all bad. I have learnt to cherish time alone – getting to know this woman called me. I have rediscovered passions and pleasurable pastimes. Namely painting, reading and writing. I awaken each morning to a comfortable working day complete with having the privilege of deciding what I would prefer for dinner each night. After a fairly decent dinner, I retire as a 58 year old lady with my feet perched on the couch, my cats and dog snuggled up next to me as I surf the channels until I find one of my favourite weekly programmes to catch up on. All this as my hubby sits and peruses the daily newspaper.
With both boys (and our precious little grandson) in different cities. I started to ponder if you could Liz – what would you like to do and I confidently replied to start a BLOG, to share my thoughts, my funny times, my inner thoughts, whatever they maybe.
So grab yourself a glass or mug of your ultimate refresher, get comfy and join me on my journey – on this the Life of Dizabeth.