Word count: 1464
“Robert none of this makes sense. That dent was not there before I went on conference.”
Mom, perhaps it was Kate?”
Sighing heavily Moira retreated inside.
“You remember she asked if she could loan your car, while hers was in for a service?” asked Robert, hot on her heels.
“My boy, how do you suppose Kate could have dinged the car when if you remember clearly, yes she did ask to use the car. But ended up getting a lift. She took the car out the garage for your dad – that was it!”
“Ja mom and maybe, just maybe she bumped it taking it out of the garage?”
“You were the one who knew I would be away. You know where the keys are kept. Do you take me for a complete fool? Please bear in mind I can see the driver’s seat has been adjusted to accommodate you” said Moira resignedly.
“Just admit it Robert, I will not tolerate deceitfulness.”
“Ah, Mom it really isn’t a biggy. Bet Dad won’t even notice.”
“Oh, so now you admitting it was you?”
“Mom it was an accident. Do you really think I woke up and thought hey today. I am gonna dent mom’s car.”
“Then please take the time to explain where and what you were doing in the car?”
“Okay just chill and listen to my story please Mom.”
“Remember before you left, you asked me to walk the dogs to the vet for their rabies inoculations?”
“Mm I do” replied Moira.
“Cool so I phoned Mitch – I asked if he wanted to help me take the dogs to the vet.”
I had leashed Instinct and while I was getting Dakota sorted, Mitch comes in and says “Hey Rob, it’s so miff having to walk all the way, why we don’t take the car?”
So I replied “Ah dude serious? You want to come to my funeral man?”
“You know my old man will go ballistic if he finds out, whew man you’ve witnessed his temper enough times haven’t you?”
Of course, Mitch grabbed the opportunity and started teasing me “Oh okay, I forgot you a mommy’s boy, plus I bet you can’t even drive.”
“And you know me Mom, don’t challenge me hey!” So I went and got the keys. After a hectic struggle, we got Dakota into the car. Instinct panting and slobbering from the back seat trying to get his fat Labrador body into the front with me.
I turned the key and the engine purred into life.
We were reversing out the driveway and next thing the dogs start growling and snarling mega at each other.
For a split second I took my hand off the steering wheel to pull Instinct away from Dakota. Wham! Next thing I’ve hit the wall, seriously though Mom, it was a gentle nudge, I had slowed down hugely I promise mom.”
Moira took a welcoming sip of her tea. She watched as the sun’s rays crept through the window like a can of yellow paint spilt on a white tiled floor, as she reflected over the situation.
What Robert had done in the scheme of things wasn’t that big a deal. There were worse things that could happen. A dent in the car was not the end of the world. Well not to her, but what would Mike say?
He would be home soon and after such an intense business trip coupled with a long flight.
Perhaps it would be best to leave the news until he had had a good night’s rest. Anything to delay the tornado that would unfold when he found out.
Her tea finished Moira climbed the ornate iron-clad staircase to Robert’s room tapping gently before she entered. He lay sprawled across his double bed reading the latest “Rugby SA”magazine.
“Robert I’ve thought about what you did, your actions have reactions, as I am sure you have learnt. However, firstly, you were very wrong to take the car without permission. Secondly, to even contemplate driving without a licensed driver beside you, I am not interested in you been challenged or even peer pressure. If Mitch told you to jump in the fire would you my boy? You’ve done the crime so speak and when your father returns you will serve the time.”
The plane flew through the clouds. Parting then as easily as candy floss disperses in a child’s grasp. While Mike diarized what was next on his agenda.
With Robert at rugby practice, Moira prepared dinner distractedly.
Recalling the stressful occasions their family had experienced, because of Mike’s torrid temper. The time Robert accidentally threw the cricket ball and broke the lounge window. The drama and utter unpleasantness they had endured. When Kate had innocently tried to boil an egg in the microwave. The blast as the egg exploded. Moira smiled to herself as she recalled that day. Although Mike had certainly not seen the funny side always the serious side, the “But what if side. The worst that had happened that day was cleaning all the egg debris out of the microwave. The classic expression on Kate’s face as the sound of a shotgun been fired engulfed the kitchen – her shocked reaction – “No way Mom, how radical was that what an “EGG-stravanga!” she whispered as she tried to conceal her laughter.
Moira expertly chopped the onions.
If only Mike would learn to lighten up, life would be so much easier and pleasant.
I realise he has a stressful job, with plenty of pressure, deadlines to meet, CEOs to answer to when budgets aren’t met. But before we know it the kids will be grown and gone. We will never have this time again.
“Hey come on Rob, that’s the second try you’ve missed.” Bellowed Rob’s rugby captain.
“Sorry man, I’m so not here today: replied Rob apologetically.
“No worries man. But make sure our Try scorer is back tomorrow.”
“Cool man promise he will be. Just so guttered my old man comes back today and I am going to get geared wholly because of my old lady’s car.”
Rob cycled home wondering what punishment would befall him this time. It hadn’t been a major dent, shucks, he’d hardly felt the bump.
Mike filled the entranceway as he entered the front door. Moira sighed quietly, hoping that he didn’t happen upon the dent tonight. Let’s have a peaceful family dinner, catch up on all the news before the dreaded fire of fury begins.
“Hey Dad what’s up? How was Cape Town? Did you check the mountain? Hope you weren’t affected as badly as we’ve been with all this load shedding” Robert chatted nervously.
“Hi Honey. Hey my boy, besides this pathetic load shedding all went according to plan, thanks for asking. Honey, how did your conference go? Boy oh boy I so need a whiskey.” Mike said as he undid his tie and made his way to the liquor cabinet. “Ready for a glass of wine honey?”
“Mm sounds wonderful, dinner shouldn’t be much longer.” Said Moira.
The family sat outdoors as dusk crept over and the first star sparkled like a diamond against a darkening sky. A calm cool breeze blew across the Grecian styled patio, while the family caught up on the last couple of days.
“I really am pleased at the progress I made this trip” said Mike contentedly.
“So, how did your conference go Honey, you haven’t said?”
“Oh you know how it is. Hectic. Flying in and out, but at least its over for the year.”
“Yes, I have to agree the past few weeks really have been manic haven’t they?
Robert how’s the practice going, do you reckon you will crack the 1st team this year?”
asked Mike.
“I have no doubt Dad, I’m living the dream!”
“Glad to hear it son. Any news on how Kate’s service went on her car, what was the damage?”
“I haven’t heard as yet Mike. She is still house-sitting with Bianca. She should be home this weekend and –”
“Hey, sorry to interrupt honey, but talking about damage, sorry about the dent on your car. Damn I kept meaning to mention it to you when I rang home. It completely slipped my mind, after I dropped you off at the airport, I was incredibly distracted. Wondering about my meeting and I misjudged the darn pole in the parking lot. I know it’s not major, but we must get a couple of quotes, and get it fixed. Anyhow as you were saying …..”
“Way to go Mom, what did I tell you, all is fine at the end of the day –” Robert said, relief flooding his entire being as him and Moira exchanged a high five in the kitchen ten minutes later.
Compelling read, waiting for the outcome. Wonderful
thank you love the encouaragement. Stay well and warm Laurs. xxx