Blog 21: What’s in a name?

FUN FACT: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” ― William Shakespeare.

Last week I discussed how for some its written in “their” stars, “they” born ordinary when in fact “they” not. I was going to say we all born ordinary when we not. Names that spring to mind that most certainly were not born ordinary: George, Charlotte, Louis, Archie and Lilibet. Hm these names seeming familiar? Yip they all have the same surname! Mind you names – there’s another interesting subject. Why are we named the names we are named? I was born Elizabeth (Royalty as you all aware 😊) I was only ever called Elizabeth when in trouble – why name your child that name when you only going to use it in anger? Right? Right? You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth (Harry springs to mind) ok your wife wasn’t – and let’s face it – it is generally the woman who chooses the baby’s name (or the mothers’ friends in my case). Yes, I named Ryan but Chad well he was Megan (no man don’t get confused here not Markle! It was way before her) I knew (ok, ok I never knew a fortune teller told me yeah look how right she was!! That I would have a girl). So now Charmaine and I were chatting about Megan and Charmaine being Charmaine – in her ever so logical way casually asked – “what if it’s a boy?” Well of course I knew it wasn’t a boy – it was Megan – the fortune teller after all had said as much! Charmaine was persistent (thank goodness) “but what if it’s a boy?”.I have no idea” I answered belligerently (yip I was irritated how could she question the blady fortune teller man!?) that was when she said “What about Chad?” it obviously played on my mind (in a good way😊 obviously) I asked Gary that night – “What do you think of Chad?” now you will recall this was many years ago – so Gary certainly knew I wasn’t talking about Chad Le Clos. He in fact wracked his brain, remember I was very pregnant and very hormonal, so he certainly didn’t want to upset the hornets’ nest that was his wife. He was very sure he never knew of any Chad, so what was his wife on about?

What he did say that night – “Hmm I don’t know babe – Shad and all”.

Race forward twenty-four years and as you all know our youngest son’s name is in fact: Chad.

When we bring up names Chad teasingly says, “You never named me – Charmaine did.” I guess he is right. So, a huge thank you to my dearest, dearest and truly loved friend. Thank you, Charmaine.

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My dearest mom – She used to style herself on Liz Taylor. Or…. did Liz Taylor style herself on my mom 😊😊😊

My mom apparently was besotted with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton – hence my name. Now, my dearest, amazing, in fact the bestest sister in the world – truly the most amazing lady – her name is Karen – I have always loved her name – yet she will always say she is Karin. I think Karen is so pretty and unusual – truly love it my sis! And how did my mom name her Karen? Apparently, the story goes (legend has it hahahahahaha) she was reading a book and the character she admired was named Karen. Perhaps if my mom had known she could have called me Elizabeth SUE Ellis – you will recall how my neighbour  would bellow across the wall – “Sue there is a storm coming – Sue do you have sugar – Sue……” (Blog ) and Dizabeth – Goodness knows why but always just responding with a “yip” instead of from day one saying: “It’s actually Liz/Dizzy/Dizabeth/Elizabeth/Babe/mom and not Sue!”

How do names come about and how the heck did Harry and Megan name their son Archie? I can only imagine her being American she loved her fair share of comics as a child “Archie” comic – remember there was Veronica, Jughead, Betty – hmm who was Veronica’s boyfriend? Ronnie, wasn’t it?

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Those where the days – I Used to love reading my comics.

 Anyhow so yip that’s all I can imagine, as truly for me – Archie. A big no from me! Not that my vote will ever count – hmmmm although mind you being an Elizabeth – maybe (Royal name dear reader – Royal name😊)! Although saying that – isn’t it Dizabeth now anyhow? 😊. We recently adopted our delightful little Rosie. Now Rosie wasn’t always Rosie. She was Tatiana. I know right? Who the hell names the cutest dog on earth Tatiana after some Russian pole dancer? Anyhow, the reason I am mentioning this friends were “seriously, you changed her name – why would you do that?” – well I do believe it speaks for itself, unless she and I were a Pole dancing act at some sleaze club or we both belonged to the traveling circus, its Rosie. The interesting fact here too – language. The Lowveld is 99% Afrikaans – in fact when you hear an English speaker you do (well I do!) take a step back. Its very exciting (well for me anyhow). So, the other night we had friend’s round. When she arrived at our gate (my friend) she spoke in Afrikaans to Rosie who was on gate duty. Rosie didn’t bark – and seemed to understand what she was saying. Rosie was originally from Lydenburg – so without a doubt I will bet you, and I will win she came from an Afrikaans family. That again – what an adjustment. Imagine: Moving into Dizabeth’s house – that alone is YIKES!!! Then your name is changed and they frikken speak a foreign language (English)! Poor kid – hmm I reckon she needs an extra treat for sure this week.

I am very, very into nicknames (pet names) – for me it’s a term of endearment  – before you know it you, sure as nuts forget any Dizabeth has a nickname for you.  Nicky aka Niknak – Kim aka Kimble – Lis – am clueless where this one arose from Poepsie Whoepsie – Michelle aka Blondie and the list goes on and on.

The interesting fact is both Gary and the boys have names that cannot be shortened. Chad – I recall with such fondness – we would call him “Chaddy boy” – oh my word – he would implode with anger “I am NOT Chaddy Boy I am CHAD!” Mind you, when I was younger, in fact when I worked at McCann my colleagues used to call me Lizzy – it drove me nuts! Yet again I never did say anything. Now in my laid back older and wiser years – I am not at all phased – you can call me Lizzy I don’t have a sark in the world with it! But don’t pour a second glass of wine and omit to call Dizabeth for a refill.

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My incredible – the best sister in the world and me!

However, though Ryan now this is my pet hate. Everyone does it, so I should just stash this pet hate in a big black hole – or smile and wave – there you go Dizabeth – 2 – not 1 – 2 choices 😊!  His name is pronounced Ryan – as in WINE! However, people always say “Ry-an” …… now this tends to get mama bear close to imploding (hmmm not guessing where Chad got it from) Gary another one – to nick name him you tend to extend it – his friends call him Garo. Me, it all depends on the time of day, the mood I am in and if it is in my favour or not as to how I address him 😊. Our precious little grandson, the light of my life. “Hide Nan Hide!” Ryan and Michelle named him Tide. When we were awaiting his arrival I was like “hmmmm – not too sure on this one and…. you are obviously spelling it T-Y-D-E …. To which his mama and papa replied “Nope T-I-D-E …..” straight away in the quiet (ahhh not ever Dizabeth – you a quiet mind?? Phst!) I heard “the tide is high but I’m moving on” by Blondie. (yip how is that for a blast from the past!) and now the tide has been high and I have moved on and there would be no other name for our precious little chap but TIDE. He is most certainly a Tide and he rocks his name.

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My sister has always been there – as you can see from day dot – helping me on all my roads – bumpy and smooth!

One thing I do feel is imperative, when meeting or addressing a person. Whether it be in the work sphere or if you are befriending a new friend get their blady spelling of their name correct. This to me shows hmmm actually cannot think right now what it shows – but yikes it is on a par with calling Ryan Ry-an! Recently I was super, super irritated with my own blady self! I sent a mail and only once it had been delivered did I notice –  dum – dum – dum (intro very, very hectic dramatic background music!) Ok in all fairness – yip it was my fault – but why the heck do woman (or men) do this??? Their name is a gewone name – and they spell it differently to the usual spelling ie: Melissa – spelt MeLLissa … WTF! What about when it is a “unisex” name – Corne – I will never forget a work colleague being over the moon as she saw the new team member was a male. Now, living in the Lowveld I didn’t assume it was a male as I had two female friends – named Corne. Again, they to me are Corns, Corndog or Mealie 😊😊😊 I know! I know and she gets peeved when you call Ryan Ry-an! No comment dear reader – no frikken comment! What about when it’s – Sarah-Jane and you call her SJ –  also, dear reader a tricky one – as her mom named her Sarah-Jane for many precious reasons – not SJ – not Se Se – not Jane ….but Sarah-Jane! And yours truly – hmmm actually now that I think about it, I do call her Sarah-Jane 😊.

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Our precious little Rosie who looks NOTHING like a blady Russian Pole Dancer I am sure you agree?

What about when you in a shopping mall and you are 90% sure it’s “so and so” but that blady mask – you are definitely 10% doubting yourself. So, what Dizabeth does – she casually will call out “Sarah-Jane” and see if the “Sarah-Jane” reacts. (Hey now that you know my trick – don’t diss me hey!! If I do it to you – respond) Shucks I remember when my sister and I were way younger. You know how embarrassed you got at the stupidest thing! We were in the CNA there was a woman standing at the magazine rack – reading through a magazine. Yikes remember how people used to do that too! Frikken have no issue with reading a whole magazine! In fact, that was in the good ol’ days when there were still magazines – and in fact – also CNA’s to be able to read and visit the stores! So there Karen and I were, and she asked, “Isn’t that Terri?” I didn’t even really look if I am honest and answered “Yip – it’s her” – Karen even questioned me again “Are you sure its her?” – “Yip it’s her” I replied nonchalantly without batting an eye lid or even looking in the general direction of “Terri”. Next thing Karen is slinking away from me towards “Terri” when she was right behind and literally on top of “Terri” she said itin a gruff voice: “and what are you doing here?” to which this complete stranger turned around and asked Karen what the heck she thought she was doing. Well dear reader I couldn’t breathe I laughed so, so, sooooo much! And Karen, well she never did that to anyone ever again.

Getting back to pets – and pet names – No, no I am meaning actual Furry family here dear reader. We still have -ah she is albeit – hellish old now – the cutest little princess ever. She is a long-haired cat – she is amazing – in her life she has caught and killed Spitting Cobras – she has really played the part of GI Jane incredibly. Gary always says he has no idea why I named her what I did. I thought it was unique and so named her Fraidy-Cat. When she was younger and us being in the Lowveld the day I collected her from the vet – she had been spayed. The receptionist mentioned the vet would like a word with me. Obviously anticipating the absolute worst, I waited with bated breath. The vet came out and kind of looked me up and down – probably was surprised to see I wasn’t blonde as he began :- “Mrs. Robbertze, you do realise that your cat – she is a female?” – “erm yes I replied” dumbfounded “that is why I booked her in to be SPAYED and not neutered” – the vet totally disregarded this comment and continued to ask me “Then why is she named FREDDY – Cat?” – I have no words dear reader – none whatsoever in this case.

Gary has a dear, dear school friend – they met if I remember correctly, I think it was in about Grade 2. His surname is Luck. He met and married a lovely lady with the surname Kindness. They own a travel business (I think it is a travel business) and yip they named it Luck & Kindness. Isn’t that just the most beautiful, true life what’s in a name story – I think it is. Truly delightful hey 😊.

And that dear reader is us for the week. Quoting Tam from The Block “That’s all she wrote”.

Take care, stay safe and thanks for the love, the enthusiasm and encouragement. Each week my heart is filled to the brim with JOY. Thank you.

Till next week be kind to yourself.

Mwah Mwah

2 Replies to “Blog 21: What’s in a name?”

  1. Congrats Lizzie. That was a fun read. It’s good to recall happy memories. Pity I didn’t get to read starting at Blog 1.
    Keep it up !

    1. Thanks Trace, you can always go back they all on my website …going forward i will send to you each week – that ok?

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