Don’t you hate when you open your eyes, it’s another sun shiny day (well not necessarily it could be a rainy day or a windy one, or a grey one (my absolute worst!) all is good with you and the world, until you step out of bed. First step of the day into the blady frikken (could think of a stronger choice word to use here but I won’t!) piddle your darling fur baby gifted you with! We were blessed with a lovely carpet (mat) for the hallway (thanks gazillions Michelle & Mark) – yesterday I noticed there were four dark circles on it! So that was hoiked up rolled and put away! Laundry man here we come! Anyhow digressing now, so as I was saying you wake up with all goodness and rose-tinted glasses frame of mind and just like that it is gone! I woke this morning – first to the frikken piddle – then took myself off to the bathroom to piddle (in the toilet as humans and good fur babies do, well not literally for the fur babies, but you get my jist!) and there was a huge pile of compost with bits of broken clay pot and plant scattered around – I saw red! The blady cat. Then! Then! Then the proverbial cherry on top – I go through to make coffee. That’s another thing – in our household if the Mother person doesn’t make the frikken first cuppa (it’s just me and the Father person here) so if I don’t, well then there is no coffee for the day! Now that I am thinking about that, it irks me more, much frikken more than I am even aware. And since I am now pounding away on my keyboard all these little irks are spewing out! See this blog is a brilliant therapy session for me. So, I walk into the kitchen and when you walk into our stupid blady kitchen you cannot miss it – the first thing you see before you even set foot into the kitchen is the sink! And every morning – after I so diligently washed every dirty dish the night before – there is always a dirty dish in it – and that dish never belongs to me! So, I walk in – already in a “prize” mood thanks to Rosie and whichever blady cat it was that knocked over and destroyed my pot plant and there in the sink waving good morning to me – are dirty dishes that the father person left! Did he think the blady dishwashing fairy would pay us a visit over night! That’s like me waiting to win the blady lotto – it’s not impossible but highly unlikely to happen (well to me) – ever! And no, I am not being negative but realistic dear reader. So, the next person to get boloxed on this Tuesday morning – yip you saw this coming was the father person. When he left, he washed his coffee cup – and so he blady should and no doubt thanked the Lord it wasn’t the weekend where he would spend a delightful day with Dizabeth.

Good ol’ dish washing team, would you look at that, they started without Gary!
So, today’s blog is all about how someone just like that can turn your smile upside down and into a frown. It takes a lot for me to get the mutters. One thing though, I have always ensured that I “eat all my frogs first” (Love this, thanks Tracy😊) so I complete all that is on my to do list – then it is done and dusted and what remains of the day is full of rainbows and sunshine as I have eaten my frogs so there are no bumps in my road! That is until I find a blady crater – never mind a pothole in my smooth road! I literally do hit the roof and then break through the ceiling and carry on with the hottest flame soaring into outer earth! Now dear reader I am not talking about the unexpected that occurs in our every day – that I can smile and wave through (ok, ok not always!) I am talking when someone intentionally (or hey maybe unintentionally) pushes all my buttons and I soar through the ceiling into outer earth. There are one or two of these occasions I can (I know I am not proudly admitting this!) but some days I remember when whomever it was, caused “dearest Dizabeth” to be replaced by “Devil Dizabeth”.
I do need to confess I am currently on leave, and the day hasn’t been a complete failure. I signed up for a TEFL course, why I hear you ask? Because dear reader it’s a nice to have behind you tool don’t you think? I do, I always wanted to be a teacher and one day – just one day maybe I will be able to tick that off my bucket list – albeit as an online teacher. Who knows? So, rambling and digressing there for a minute – this morning I decided to knuckle down – decline all coffee dates (ok, ok there weren’t any since it’s the week and everyone is working!) and I started the course. Ok so that is a little white lie too. I actually started this a while ago but what with work, moping up dog piddle, sweeping up compost and broken pot plant piles I just haven’t had a chance to focus on it. So right now, I am feeling damn fine about myself. And ……I have just remembered I need to go check on my pot of boiling water, I boiled out the previous pot and refilled so give me a minute here dear reader….. ok I am back – now what are the chances I get so involved in writing here – that I forget and the linguine burns! The chances, as you have guessed from previous blogs and rice – pretty high! So Dizabeth will try keep focused on continuing her writing whilst reminding herself that her linguine is on the boil (and on a fairly high heat I may add – yip you know me not my ultimate to cook, so everything is done on the highest heat!) Must add here – life – its precious hey! I took the Spaghetti container out (an oldie from Tupperware) in fact that old that on the lid it has ‘Chad’ written on it. It always gives me a warm feeling. I recall when he was in grade 1 or 2 …. they needed this particular container for some school project. Bless the memory and bless both my boys (and of course not forgetting little Tide and the Father person!)
So, this morning Grumapasarus mood got me thinking to moods gone by! The one in particular it was Ryan’s birthday we had a whole day planned and Father person had a sudden “previous engagement” that was of course ‘un-cancelable’ as it was with a drinking buddy! Did I go ballistic! End of the day – I recall we both went our own way for the day, and he got home before me – alas he didn’t have house keys – well didn’t I stay out till the cows came home with my two boys! He was still with said friend – and he kept sneaking off “quietly” so his friend wouldn’t be aware that he was phoning “the” wife asking her to please come home as they were locked out! I know right! The funny side was he was phoning from the loo – and I could hear the echo – ok not as funny as it was in real life as I type this out! Another time, oh my word my dearest boys have experience the wrath of mom through their lives. Not always, but yip there have been some moments (some of those I do confess are for me regrettable) but they happened and I guess it’s me – warts and all ☹.
I have had some “prime” moments when in the shops throwing a tantrum once or twice with the boys by my side, until they not at my side! Oh my word I recall once going ballistic and turning to comment to Chad – well wasn’t he Gone with the wind! He could most definitely have received the role of Clark Gable had they filmed a remake. What about the time – I got a beautiful ring (in fact to this day I regret that I stomped back like an angry baby elephant to the jeweler and insisted they take it back) damn it was a beautiful stone. Anyhow as ol’ blue eye’s would sing “Regrets I’ve had a few….” So I was going wild in the store and said “you know you people …..” and didn’t the sales attendant try for the good ol’ race card – however dearest Dizabeth was actually meaning “you people” as in the store! In fact at the time there was a Nando’s ad that said “you people…..” so I literally spat back at the attendant “Oh don’t try that ! I have also seen the TV ad” – well that flummoxed any ideas he had.
You know when I am pondering about episodes to share for the subject of the blog I remember a trillion (exaggeration – a few!) and now that I sit here I am battling to recall any! Damn! If I am honest, I was frizzo whizzo inside typing so have come onto our sunny verandah to warm myself as I type – me thinks this is having a sleepy effect on me instead! The warmer and toastier I get the more I can hear ZZZZZZ land beckoning me to put this tablet away and come catch 40 winks on the hammock – erm no we don’t have a hammock and in fact if we did – its winter – we have heaps of very tall trees so it would be in the shade and blady freezing on said hammock!
Well as you are all aware, this is always written over a matter of weeks (not kidding!) so the sleepy Dizabeth didn’t sleep that day and here she is back tapping away. I do need to confess: that TEFL I was aceing – erm not so much anymore! Frikken heck – I am a bit concerned maybe it’s a sign of my age but I am not cracking it as I was – the mind wonders into the most amazing places that have zero to do with TEFL and I have a trillion lessons to go!
And on that note dear reader this is all she wrote for this week.
Thanks for loving my blog the way you do.
Stay warm (shucks swear this must be the coldest winter in FOREVER!)
Remember always be kind to yourself.
Mwah mwah
PS : I managed to not burn the linguine 😊