Look at my amazing Bokke shirt who would have imagined I would wear one …and proudly.
Earlier this year Gary was truly over the moon when we received an invite to the rugby taking place right here in our little dorpie. In my mind, it was way, way waaaaaaaay in the future. If I am honest, I was neither here nor there about it. I will be brutally honest at this point, (in fact I could lose a few readers admitting this) but it really hasn’t ever been a “biggy” in my life. I know, as a South African who isn’t rugby mad? So, yes this is a dreadful admission indeed.
On Saturday the 6th August, I awoke and dressed in my usual walking attire and headed out the front door. Nothing unusual thus far. Just a normal Saturday morning. As you all know dear reader Pammie and I walk every week (well, that’s stretching it a bit, it’s not every week per say!) As I drove through our suburb toward town, I was embraced by the electricity bouncing off the blady streets. Cars passed me with a rainbow of colour fluttering out their windows, it was the South African flag. The street were abuzz with street vendors at every corner, their goodies were only green and gold – there were tee shirts, beanies, flags – you named it – they had it. In a heartbeat I was engulfed. The green and gold had another fan! Me. I know dear reader I was gobsmacked!
By the time I arrived at Pammies house I realised I was well and truly taken by the rugby vibe that had ascended on our little city. Right there and then I did the unimaginable – I phoned Gary and asked him to please buy me an SA shirt! I know right! So, let’s take a step or two back. Earlier whilst I dressed for my walk, Gary was buried in the depths of his cupboard frantically searching high and low for his Bokke shirt. I “tsked” at him as I pondered what I would be wearing to the game? I assured myself that it wasn’t really a biggy – the most essential point for me would depend on the weather. And of course, being winter I really needed to be toasty. Yip, I didn’t want to be cold – so I had kind of made up my mind on a black shirt (nope not in anyway because of the opposing team – the New Zealanders😊 …..hmmmm well maybe, just because I knew it would irk Gary) and pants with my camel coat. Yip that was my mind made up. Add to that I made a mental note – a pair of gloves and my beanie! Sorted. So, you can imagine how I caught myself off guard as I listened to myself phoning Gary to please leave the comfort of our home in search of a Bokke shirt for me.

See what I mean about us Saffers sense of humour!
As we vigorously (debatable!) walked the neighbourhood I shared my outfit (thank goodness) with my Pammie who warned me she felt it a bit excessive considering the weather forecast for the day. (Hot. BLADY HOT!) In her opinion, definitely not even to consider the camel coat! I lay my cards on the table (yip we all know how hardheaded I can be!) my thoughts were: the game only commenced at 5pm and the sun would set shortly after that – it would be a real chilly evening. I arrived home after our extremely fruitful walk (7.09kms) showered and tried on my new Bokke shirt. (Yip Gary actually did listen to me!) If I am honest, he probably thought I had lost the plot. It was then that I felt perhaps with the heat of the day (already so intense) it would be best to leave the camel coat behind. The coat probably breatged a sigh of relief as this winter everywhere Dizabeth went -so did her camel coat!
We were to meet with the friends, so left home at 11.30am and headed to their house. Well again the journey from our house to theirs was truly electrifying. The excitement and energy embracing our little town was unbelievable. Once we had lined our stomachs with a typical Saffer snack (Boerie rolls) and us ladies had beautified ourselves accordingly with glittery green eye shadow, golden blush on our cheeks we headed to the park and ride. Oh, my giddy aunt – what an amazing idea! As the fans jumped on the bus the comments were classics! The songs started as the bus chugged along the busy roads towards to stadium. The “gees” was incredible, another thing I have noticed before and sure noticed again on Saturday – South Africans have the most amazing sense of humour. The comments and chirps all in jest were brilliant. Suffice to say once we arrived at the stadium it was true Bokke Town. We (typical ladies) needed the loo – well, that took a good twenty minutes and we soon learnt that was the beginning of many queues we would endure the whole day.
After one or two shooters in the fanpark we made our way to our seats at 2ish – truthfully, I did think “really, isn’t that a bit of an overkill?” but I smiled and waved – yip I agree very uncharacteristic of me. Well before we knew it the stadium was Choco block and the game was set to commence! Now I have to admit my eyes, I have noted are not – definitely not the greatest at spotting little ant people on the field. We were high up in the nose bleed seating – which in all honesty was also fine as our little stadium is the perfect size. The crowd would roar with appreciation – first I was totally, I am mean totally at a lose as to what we were roaring (cheering at) I soon learnt it was always one of “our boys” (look at me – now its “our” boys!) When Faf came on the field to kick some balls – well me oh my he was definitely a crowd favourite!
Claire Johnson kicked off the amazing vibe – well that was me – hooked – hook line and sinker – the tears flowed! Oh my word I had no idea I had that many – until we started singing the National Anthem – only then did I appreciate just how many tears this body of mine stores!! There was no problem here – I filled a bucket with tears – the only issue here being – they were ugly tears! Yip I definitely wasn’t crying pretty – it was huge face contorting tears gushing!! I was incredibly grateful for leaving my camel coat at home each time a try was scored. Fire shot through the air on all sides of the stadium – the heat even from afar was incredible – not to mention the breath-taking fireworks that lit up the night sky. I do need to make mention at this stage of the spectacular sunset. The sky was alight with a pink hue as we witnessed the setting sun. It definitely was an amazing spectacular distraction from the game – lucky for me – we all know the game only captures my attention for a brief, and I mean brief second!Once that second has passed dearest Dizabeth Crowd surfs – I lurve lurve lurve watching people!

Even the nails were green !
The game was a winner for South Africa – which was the proverbial cherry on top – in fact a beautiful, shiny deeply red and plum cherry of the day.
Then it was time to head back to the park and ride. That same park and ride that had been a resounding success on the way to the game! Alas, I don’t think coordinators nor any of us really thought this bit through. When we made our way to the stadium, we did it in our own times, so it was a staggered smooth operation. Imagine over 40 000 exuberant supporters (and a few sad ones) exiting the stadium all at once – and heading for the busses! Yip! It was a disaster. None of the busses had their destinations displayed so as supporters ran from bus to bus like headless chicken’s it made for total confusion. However once supporters found their busses the sound of Shosholoza echoed throughout every street and surrounds in our little town. The comment of the day for me was the guy I heard behind us saying he had lost his friends in the crowd – if anyone spots them please let him know – they are wearing Green shirts!
Now this week when we play in Jozi I will be seated in front of the TV – so I can assure you – I doubt very very much there will be as much enthusiasm on my side as there was at the live game. One thing though dear reader – this gal – she will be wearing her newly acquired Bokke shirt – yip she certainly will (I know right! Who ever thought that would happen!)
And that dear reader is all she wrote. I have to end this by saying I really am not the happiest puppy in the pen! Since Saturday the heat is blady back! WTF is that about – where the heck has winter disappeared to? Please someone – please tell her I want her back.
Thanks for loving my blog the way you do. Till next time. Mwah mwah
Ah not even there and could feel the vibe in your writing.
Fantastic as always, and absolute joy to read…
Thanks again and never stop the BLOG.
Roll on next week .