What an amazingly, awesome, gob smacking 60th weekend I had …. yip HAD over a month ago I know! However, 😊 I feel sooooo strongly that I want to share with you my amazing 60th!! First and foremost, thank you for the messages from far and wide! For those of you that were there for my amazing High Tea at the Beverley Hills – you rocked the theme! Your company and contribution to the laughs, love and living was amazing! THANK YOU! As cheesy as this is going to sound, I was blown away by the love that was shown to me! Oh, my giddy aunt this is the kind of occasion when you really wish you could capture it in a beautiful jar and each time you have a Debbie Downer – you just unscrew that gorgeous bottle and let the laughter, love and amazing vibe take you back to that precious moment. Just like when the sun slowly stretches its way across the floor, similar to a can of yellow paint paint spilt, it oozes warmth into a chilly winters room. Or like sunshine on your shoulders! Yip I am sure you get my drift😊

My sister – love you gazillions Karen!
Thank you too to my dearest precious sister and daughter in law for organizing such an unforgettable afternoon. For all the behind scenes you both endured to make this special occasion a reality and Karen’s daughter in law Bianca for being the official photographer. At this point I do truly, truly feel a HUGE need to make special mention of “Love the twins” Angela and Gail! I am beyond blessed to have you in my life – and after all these years too!! Going back to school days do us three! You both truly are chicken soup for the souls – each and every one who was there adored – truly adored you! Not to mention my endless spoils – oh my hat – you girls are invited anytime – I mean annnnnyyyyytime! Wow wow wow!! Two bottles of the best of the best champers – yip – not one …… two!!! For those of you thinking “wait a minute I have had a drink or two with Dizabeth of late and there sure wasn’t any of that fancy champers on offer and and and she has two bottles” – I am afraid you are right – that champers is for yours truly only and for an extremely special occasion indeed! And if a special occasion doesn’t present itself sooner than soon – well then dear reader guess Dizz will run a hot, deep bubbly bubble bath, light some candles – get the ice bucket dusted off and lock the bathroom door as she indulges in her truly fancy ass’d champers that she was gifted from “love the Twins”. 😊
On` Sunday my sister (yip her again – isn’t she a keeper! Hmmmmm Jodi Picoult – MySisters’ Keeper) she was adamant we celebrate a pre Mother’s Day – her story which she was definitely sticking to was the fact that all the kids were busy on Mothers actual day – so Sunday we would have a pre Moms day lunch. Hundred percent I agreed, she was really, really emphatic it would be on the Sunday – I didn’t have a sark with this at all. AND dear reader …..neither did I have a cooking clue! As we turned into the driveway, I noticed all the pink balloons – and the Happy Birthday signs – oh my flippen giddy aunt – it was for me!!!! I was and still am beyond touched – after all she had already done for the high tea – and here she was again – thanks my dearest darling sis. It truly was a wonderful surprise – I kid you not dear reader not for a frikken minute did I even think it was about me – so yip what a truly, truly special weekend it was – and if I say so myself, all in honour of Dizabeth! I was most impressed even my dear old brother-in-law had a hand in the special day – he cooked the lunch. Now bear in mind he is a French Mauritian – yip – you do understand! It was delish – delectable – yummy yummo! So, lots of good laughs, love and living flowed again, the family all together it was a fantastic day. We wrapped up as the kids still had to head home (New Hanover) I had had a few glasses of vino (of course I had – this is Dizabeth after all!!!) we helped the kids pack their car, dogs (3 of them!) kids, kids’ stuff, baby stuff and themselves and off the drove. We waved them off enthusiastically as they headed out the drive, the end of a wonderful weekend. As Dizabeth waved them off she sighed contentedly thinking how stunning her pre birthday had been how could she ever forget the love!

My precious specials
She awoke on that Monday – that Monday was rainy cold and as she stretched and yawned she thought – Hey Hey today you are 60 old duck (no, that’s a fib she never thought old duck 😊she actually didn’t think anything because she doesn’t really think about herself unless she is in front of a mirror and notices her frikken turkey neck☹) she showered and got the day started as per any normal day – she couldn’t quite put her finger on it – but the house was quiet! (Geez Louise, this is sounding like an Angela Lansbury ‘Murder she wrote’ episode!). So, as I was saying, I went about my business, I was meeting my friend for a birthday treat and breakfast, so as I gathered my bag and keys I suddenly thought – wait a minute!!! That’s why it’s so quiet! My cellular devise wasn’t around. No bother I figured it’s probably entangled in the bed sheets – or in my bag – or in my coat pocket – or in the car – or??? Oh, my frikken heck!!!!! The last time I had it – was in the kids car!! Sure, as nuts Gary phoned (and again as sure as nuts – Dizabeth’s cellular device was in blady New Hanover!!!!) I know dear reader – on her birthday nogal – she was cellular-LESS!
Now this was an interesting occurrence, not that I am totally dependent on my cellular device. I went through a phase when it was pretty much a part of my body, then you know how they say it’s addictive and you watch snippets here and there and it stipulates how bad the phone really is for you, and that we don’t use it as it was originally produced for – as a phone – simply a phone – and on top of that – each time Gary happened to glance my way (which ifact isn’t often so I guess that also says perhaps I was a tad addicted) he would comment “are you on your blady phone again” so I kind of weaned myself off it . …. BUT now ….. Let’s take into consideration the reason why we all have a cellular, what is its purpose? Correct, a phone – so people can contact you!!! On dearest Dizabeth’s 60th birthday this was not the case! I cannot recall a time when I was phoneless, it was a strange, even bizarre feeling. Because let’s be honest thanks to cellular and social media these days we are so in touch with the inside and outside world, with friends and family right next door, or oceans apart, at the touch of a button we can chat to them. And how do we do this – yip with that little ringing box that lights up when it rings, it mimics a Fish Eagle, a Barn Owl or perhaps a baby laughing or perhaps just the regular ring tone of a phone but it rings none the less! Unless of course you left it somewhere and its not attached to you! An interesting test of truth occurred as well! I received an email, nope dear reader this wasn’t an everyday email – it was in fact from our big boss. I am talking the Bigger than the big boss – yip you get my drift!! He had what’s app’d me birthday wishes – and since I had not replied as I usually do (Of course – this is after all the bigger than big boss!) he was concerned as to why I was not replying! So didn’t dearest Dizabeth find herself in a dilemma, does she tell a little white fib regarding why she didn’t have her phone and the fact that it was over a period of a couple of days, bear in mind our phones are quite a big part of our everyday working day. Yip, you see where I am going with this dear reader! Tricky, tricker TRICKEST – Agreed? I pondered how I could reply, eventually I thought there isn’t anything more refreshing than the truth – so that’s what I went with! And yip dear reader, I even admitted to the bigger than big boss – that I had considered a little white f,ib!!
Another first for me on my 60th birthday – now I have no doubt I am going to shock a few of you. Dizabeth does have some odd quirks, and this is one of them! I don’t – not ever and never, ever – EVER – never will I drive someone else’s car – and to add to that – don’t ask, don’t even contemplate asking me to drive a ‘big’ car – always driven little cars – so, so, so after my fantastic 60th Michelle who had driven us hopped into the drivers seat and little Ian decided nope he had shared his Mama bear the whole, and I mean he most definitely had shared her the WHOLE afternoon with all Nans friends it was now time for him! He began to holler, and then holler and holler some more!!!
So, guess who did her first drive home, in someone else car, on dark – actually even darker than normal roads thanks to blady shedding the load! Oh, my word, I can tell you one definite thing as I commence my 60th year on this planet, Dizabeth most certainly isn’t the world’s best night driver! I am damn sure my passengers quietly prayed, in fact begged for their lives under their breath as I tried unsuccessfully to dodge blady craters never mind potholes on the highways and byways of Durban! On my giddy aunt our roads are bad – I am never one to get political but for shits’ sake where is the blady pride! Who dear reader – turning my attention to Durban readers now – readers I invite you to take a drive through town – I know! I know – huge and dodgy ask, but I truly implore you to take a trip – I bet you anything it will most definitely be a first sighting for you EVER! There is a blady tree, in fact its flourishing as it took its roots a decade (or two ago I presume) and it is firmly and happily growing out the City Hall clock – yip I kid you not – high up there in the skies of the clock tower there it grows! (sigh! Blady SIGH!) And on that note – my time is up – this dear reader is all she wrote for now 😊 Take care, stay well and warm. Thanks for loving my blog the way you do.
Mwah mwah
PS: I hear you pondering to yourself dear reader, why did she title this detoxing …what was she detoxing from??? My cellular dear reader – my cellular on my blady birthday of all blady days. 😊
Glad all is well and that you had a fab birthday.
Love reading your Blogs.
Hi Louise, how wonderful to hear from you. Thanks for the message what an unexpected surprise! How are you, how is Nellies? Tell me all. Miss you truly do 🙂
Hillarious as usual Liz and very well written ❣️Loved the special thanks and mention of us too. Thank you for the invite and great unforgettable party, it truly was special! Enjoy being sexy sixty 😍
you two are amazing, thanks for being at my 60th, have always treasured you to, way backto school days – yip and be honest you had not an inkling then did you! Think you are both earth angels and salt of the earth – which is ME !!!!
Love love love it.!!!!
Your blogs ALWAYS bring a smile to my dial.
You are unique in a strange and wonderful way.🙃🙂🙃
you are too kind!!! Treasure you and your twin mwah mwah